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FreeTrack Forum > FreeTrack : English Forum > Support : FreeTrack Software > Unable to turn on FreeTrack/TrackIr in the output tab

RSS >  Unable to turn on FreeTrack/TrackIr in the output tab, Therefore being unable to track head movement ingame
MASTOFWAR #1 12/01/2016 - 19h23

Class : Apprenti
Posts : 2
Registered on : 12/01/2016

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Just like the title says for me those two options are greyed out

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Everywhere i looked people had one of those options on and they would be able to use headtracking ingame, do i just have a bad installer or something like that? because for example when i enable SimConnect as an output (and yes, i am able to enable that optio), FSX reads it without a hitch. Does anybody know how can this be fixed? (or if this is actually what's causing my games to not read the headtracking?)
Stormrider #2 17/01/2016 - 12h10

Class : Légende du Forum
Posts : 466
Registered on : 02/01/2013

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When I take a look at freetrack on my rig, the mouse option is greyed out and freetrack intterface and the trackir interface is clickable.
Maybe uninstall freetrack and install it again wil solve your problem.
The latest version of freetrack is dated from 2008, a lot have changed since then.A lot of games use encryption so block the free ir-tracking software.
Some info is on this siteSpoiler
Or give opentrack a try, it is still updated.There are some difference between opentrack and freetrack, but both gives you the ability to use ir-tracking ingame.

cheers Stormrider

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