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RSS >  Wii mote not recognised
Rocks177 #1 12/03/2014 - 21h19

Class : Apprenti
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I have my wii mote connected via blue solil as a HID. But there is no option of the wii mote or anything other than the demo on the camera drop down menu. Any ideas?
Stormrider #2 13/03/2014 - 11h25

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Does windows recognize you wii-remote?
Is it a original wii-remote?Imitation wii-remote are most of the time not regonized by freetrack.
Rocks177 #3 13/03/2014 - 16h01

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Windows doesn't recognise it which is why I had to use blue soelil but it is an original nintendo wii remote.
Stormrider #4 13/03/2014 - 16h54

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what operating system do you use?
Rocks177 #5 16/03/2014 - 17h08

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I use Windows 7
Stormrider #6 17/03/2014 - 18h46

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I have my wii mote connected via blue solil as a HID.

Does it also show a name like "Nintendo RVL-CNT-01"?
I tried freetrack also with a wii-remote.First with bluesoleil software and later with Toshiba bluetoot stack.But I stopped with it.
I had a lot of connecting problems, empty batteries of the wii-remote.For me it worked better with a normal webcam.
Other bluetooth devices seemed to interfere with the connecting of the wii-remote and my pc.

If you wish to continue with your wii-remote, you can try to turn of UAC(user account control) and start everything with admin-rights.Check also if you bluetooth device is compatible wit a wii-remote.
You know that only the latest version of freetrack works with a wii-remote?

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