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FreeTrack Forum > FreeTrack : English Forum > Support : FreeTrack Software > FreeTrack creating problems for me!

RSS >  FreeTrack creating problems for me!
lukeprtr1111 #1 18/11/2014 - 20h46

Class : Apprenti
Posts : 2
Registered on : 18/11/2014

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Whenever I launch Freetrack and press "start" it shows all of my three leds for a split second and then stays black

I have CL eye drivers version
Freetrack most updated version and this cleye driver fix

My system specs are:

Intel Core i5 4670K
UD4H Gigabyte Z87 Motherboard
Nvidia GTX 780
My OS is Win8.1

Freetrack was working yesterday until last night and I have reinstalled all the software (CLeye, Freetrack and Fix) and it doesnt work and I have tried all my USB ports. I only have USB 3.0 and no usb hubs. And before launching Freetrack I check CL eye tested and my leds are there and after all this happens I open CL eye tester and the screen is black.

Thanks -Luke

I just wanted to play arma =(
Edited by lukeprtr1111 on 20/11/2014 at 00h42.

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