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RSS >  Need help with tracking!
inkeri #1 07/01/2016 - 06h49

Class : Apprenti
Posts : 3
Registered on : 07/01/2016

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Hello! Im currently using 1 Led tracking and it works without issues except one thing. the skull doesnt turn enough to get my mouse pointer from side to side on my screen. this is a big issue with some games and i'd like some help to get it fixed. Thanks in advance! :)
MsG #2 07/01/2016 - 15h50

Class : Apprenti
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Registered on : 16/10/2014

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Which games are you using? Can't you adjust the X curve so it will respond faster so it will go the end of the screen?
inkeri #3 08/01/2016 - 00h32

Class : Apprenti
Posts : 3
Registered on : 07/01/2016

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Been trying to get it to work with Outlast, the X sensitivity doesnt work, it seems like the skull doesn't turn more than 180degrees and if it would it would be perfect.
Stormrider #4 09/01/2016 - 15h27

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if increasing sensitivity doesn't help, you must tweak something the curves.
Posted Image
The vertical repressents the real head movement and the horzontal the ingame headmovement.In this curve of the x-axis you can see that if you move your head 45 degrees in real life, in game your head wil turn 180degrees.Just imagine what wil happen if freetrack loses track of your leds at 30 degrees......Ingame you can onlyturn your head 140 degrees.If you lower the most right point in that curve to 30 degrees on the vertical line instead of 45 you will see that you don't have to move your head so far anymore and can turn your head 180 degrees ingame.If you still have that problem after this , post a picture of your curves and profile setting.

cheers Stormrider
Edited by Stormrider on 09/01/2016 at 15h29.

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