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RSS >  PS3 Patch File Please??
Murphy #1 01/10/2015 - 04h31

Class : Apprenti
Posts : 16
Registered on : 30/09/2015

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Can someone give me the patch file for the PS3 camera please?

I've spent about 8 hours getting this thing to work and now I find my last hurdle being a  darn file that no one seems to have.


Thanks!!  :)
mehmetbeyoglu #2 26/01/2016 - 09h34

Class : Apprenti
Posts : 21
Registered on : 24/01/2008

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There is no patch but there is a solution.

Start FreeTrack.

Select your camera from the dropdown list. "PS3 Eye"

without touching anything. Press "Stream" button.

Select appropriate option for your neeeds.

Press "Start" and Start FreeTrack.

Press "Camera" and adjust the exposure settings.

Odds are you have to press stream button evertime before you press "start" .

Thats it.
MsG #3 27/01/2016 - 13h45

Class : Apprenti
Posts : 22
Registered on : 16/10/2014

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Or try something better supported like FaceTrackNoIR or OpenTrack, which is still in active development.

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