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RSS >  Access violation
Wiiispa #1 26/12/2011 - 12h42

Class : Apprenti
Posts : 1
Registered on : 26/12/2011

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Hi, New to freetrack. Running Windows 7 x64 with ps3eye. Do have TrackIR too, but not suitable for what I need. All windows updates installed. CLeye drivers installed and CLtest works. Freetrack detects the PS3eye and configures to use 3led clip (Using the LEDs from TrackIR as I already have them) However, when I try to manually adjust the camera within freetrack, I get an access violation at address 77452262 in module 'ntdll.dll' error which occurs after I try to click the gain or exposure sliders in the dialog. Then subsequently when I just mouse over the previously clicked panel in the dialog. Tried the update as listed in the freetack module access violation threads - no change. The camear dialog works fine using CLeye test. Any suggestions welcome please.

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