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RSS >  Software DELAYS, If FPS multiplier is ON (x2,x3,x4) camera delays appear
Iskander #1 29/05/2011 - 12h58

Class : Apprenti
Posts : 1
Registered on : 29/05/2011

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I use Manta driverless camera (YUY2 coding) fith Freetrack 2.2 (but the same problem was on the previous A4 tech webcam). When I choose 2 or 3 or 4 fps multiplier, the delay between real world and image from camera (on the right corner of the FT windows) starts to growth until 3-3.5 sec reached and stabilized. With this fact, i have a realy bad delay in games or i have not smooth 30 fps tracking (( :snif:
Please, help )

Added: After 20-30 minutes of x1 fps mult. (normal fps of the cam) video stream delays appear too (aprox. 0.5 sec delays).

Looks like camera stock stabile delay (0.5 sec) is multilpying to with fps, so there comes 2-3 secs (
Edited by Iskander on 29/05/2011 at 16h46.

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