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FreeTrack Forum > FreeTrack : English Forum > Games and Profiles > center command too zoomed in by default

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patarter #1 11/04/2013 - 05h19

Class : Apprenti
Posts : 1
Registered on : 11/04/2013

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I recently got my freetrack setup relatively well...using a 3 point cap setup attached to my headphones...(theyre very large headphones, i also look like an alien with them but thats another issue)

anyway I play dcs a10 and i have found that when i hit the center freetrack command that itll zoom in on dcs to a level i dont prefer, the workaround is simply to lean forward and center then lean back to a natural position to get it where i want it.

i know this kind of sounds like a first world problem..but i was wondering if anyone had any advice?

EDIT: found that If i go into config/view/snapviewsdefault.lua i can tweak default cockpit position.  LINE  1055 ....i didnt know that freetrack will read the default cockpit position to center the camera.  i haven't gotten it where i want it yet, but i'll post the results when i figure it out.

final EDIT: im not sure if im helping anyone by posting my progress, but i changed my x_trans to move the view back, then changed vangle to angle up, and changed my viewangle to mess with the default FOV.

now the center button on freetrack puts my head in a nice little spot in the cockpit, room to zoom in on stuff and zoom out to see more of the buttons on the side closer to the pilot
Edited by patarter on 11/04/2013 at 05h43.

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