Class : Apprenti
Posts : 2
Registered on : 20/09/2013
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As I am unable to afford a TrackIR, and too lazy to play around with modifying camera and building led fixtures :P I started to think about a nice accelerometer/gyroscope based head tracking unit.
I started building a prototype around a Invensense MPU-6050 6DOF MPU and a PIC32 device. I have gotten to the point in firmware that the device is able to stream live gyroscope data (acceleration to follow soon). I also have yet to look into filtering the data and integrating it to XYZ position and rotation.
I'd like to be able to interface this data with a few flight sims (primarily DCS A-10C). For the interface to the sim I thought of using FreeTrack, as it would provide a nice gui to tweak the parameters.
However I am completely new to Delphi world. Is anybody able to tell me what tools I need to recompile my own version of FreeTrack? From a quick look at the forums multiple people are having trouble hunting down the required tools and libraries...